Joy-Stick Game Cup stroker toys for mens sex pleasure comes complete with phone holder to free your hands. Take a peek at the action with the transparent window, and find your favorite angle with the adjustable arms.You can even fire up your favorite website, and it truly feels like heaven; all you want is to slow down and enjoy more.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on October 5, 2022
So, we all know why we are here, and what type of reviews you're looking for so let's begin.
Joy-stick Sroker is a powerhouse, which has incredible features for an affordable price. I have boughten plenty of these automatic toys in the past and here is my thoughts on the product. These will be less about indeph break downs of the features and more my intial satisfaction so these will be quick and easy for anyone on the fence about this product.
1. Size and comfortability.
So I'll admit I'm an incredibly average size male down there, hitting 5.3 inches on a good day, so if you're roughly my size of slightly smaller I have some good news, this thing actually seems to have a focus on us regular to smaller sizes. It was incredible smug with a decent amount of "tightness" around the shaft even when not fully erect so their is a decent amount of wiggle room for men who are shorter and on the smaller size, this is the first "automatic" toy that iv not had this problem with.
2. Automatic functions.
Like the above section since this guy seems to be directed at the average to smaller male sizes the automatic "motion" is incredible. I have boughten the autoblow in the past that fancy 200$ automatic blower, and that device is not average male friendly, it's focal point of it's motion bar are not were most averages men's head would be. But this product it's got an incredibly grasp on focusing on the average male and I never felt like I was missing out on any of the motion features due to being too small or not it's target audience. It's motions are ridiculous powerful especially with slippery lube and will give anyone an amazing time. Again highly recommend this.
3. Vibration features
So this is where this starts to fall short a tiny bit, I used all the features at once on this guy and felt like this was the most lacking as it didn't exactly feel 100% needed HOWEVER, I will say I was more proned to use it on full vibration vs not have it at all as it does feel good just inst the move pronounced feature if you will. None the less you can feel the difference with it off just it's a small difference.
4. Heat features
Alright this right here is easily my favorite sedonary feature this bad boy gets warm, and I'm a simple man and I do love a nice warming sensation in my private time most the time using lubes, this guy right here doesn't need warming lube it and it's fantastic, you can use basic lubes and turn them into heat ones and it's honestly the coolest part about this. It has three settings, off, kinda warm, then warm. I leave it on warm because it's literally the GOAT.
5. Extra details, and thoughts on one minor design flaw.
A: Handles issues.
So the handles are used for two reasons, the first being it controls the device and it's features, and secondary is it's to hold it onto your body while it does it's magic. Well i don't know if it's my model or all models but the handles where super loose, like not in the they are going to come off way more in the they rotate on even the tiniest amount of pressure making it uncomfortable to hold. While this is a minor problem it's a bit frustrating because you'll want to go one handed to deal with the immense pleasure then all of a sudden your hand is rotating constantly and it's just a let down in that aspect but this is it's biggest flaw for me.
B: For battery ( see what I did there? )
I have zero complaints I used it for a solid hour in my battery testing, with the motion, vibration, and heating all activated it didn't die on me the entire time and it uses a modern USB: C connection to charge ( I swear to God this is my favorite toy for this alone ), the USB C charger is much faster then the DC chargers most toys use and it clearly shows here. Good job on Amovibe for realizing that sex toys also need modernized chargers, so I solute your Development team.
C: phone holder
Phone holder is a very neat niche for this and it's honestly needed for this toy to be honest. Since most of the time you'll be duel wielding the handles for maximum pleasure you have no place to watch your Oscar winning stories on the various websites, however since they saw this issue and gave us the ability to use a simple phone holder that hold your phone to watch your stories while the toy goes pound town, this is not an issue and it's a beautiful extra edition I welcome. My biggest issue with the phone holder is the clip itself. I have a S22 ultra in a OtterBox and the clip can barely hold the device and often detached on the sides. So while it's not perfect it does work just sometimes is annoying.
6. Final thoughts
So, iv broken down my experience and thoughts so I'd just like to end this with a simple final statement.For the price, plus the features, and how good it actually feels, this is an absolute must for people who are either a collector of toys or just want to leave the hand behind for something more pleasureful then to be honest this is the toy for you. It's exceptionally thoughtful on normal sized men, and you have no idea how far that honestly goes, especially when competing toys especially name brand can be 200$+ and they don't even come close to this. So to end this off, yes you should buy this and try it yourself it's a gift for yourself or your partners that they will absolutely love/enjoy. Thanks for reading my review and I hope this helps you make your decision.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on February 17, 2023
Is it worth it? Yes. Every penny.
Suction - (No suction so that’s that)
Thrust - (uncomfortable if you packing anything longer then an eight)
Warm up feature- (Ended up liking it more than I thought. No one likes cold silicon. Good thing this warms it up with all types of lubricants. (Preferred water base)
Vibrations - (Unless you go all the way, you will feel small amounts of vibration)
I know the numbers seem bad but I promise it’s honest criticism.
Honestly, it’s worth your buck.
No it’s not quite, it’s in facts pretty loud.
If you have a small package, it’s not for you.
Lighting cable charger —
It’s good and gets the job done.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 6, 2023
It when it arrived I was super excited!! I tried it out immediately after reading instructions (trust me, you’ll need to). So these are my thoughts:
1. It’s not loud, but it’s not quiet either. Be mindful if you live with others in your home.
2. Features of stroke, vibrate, and heat are nice. My only con is the patterns for stroke/vibration, and heating could just have one more level (there’s 2 level heating).
3. The sleeve fit is ok. Kinda wish it was a little tighter.
Overall I’m happy with my purchase. For the price you are getting a nice product.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 24, 2022
I was very excited to try this product out after reading the good reviews. I’m not speaking for everyone it may just be my product, but it took well over 10 minutes for the inside of the toy to heat, but once it got there, it felt so good and warm, this would probably one of my favorite features! If you didn’t already know, this toy has two different heat settings, low (blue heat symbol), and high (red heat symbol), and I like that this product offers different options and settings. The hand controls take a little getting used to, but very easy to use and also in a comfortable position for the hands. Definitely use lots of lube with this toy to avoid an uncomfortable experience. The suction is very good, and if you actually move the toy up and down, it may change the suction and make the experience better and/or different! The stroking is hands down 10/10, amazing, once again just make sure to use lots of lube, or it may be uncomfortable, cause this thing can stroke pretty fast. The inside of the toy feels so amazing, it was no joke that it has soft skin-like material, feels so amazing! And the inside of the toy has different designs and to mimic a “deepthroat”, this inside of the toy actually opens and closes, while stroking, sucking, and vibrating all at the same time, heated.. with a phone holder!!!! I couldn’t ask for anything more.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 17, 2022
When it comes to the advertised functions, everything worked like a charm. Quick charging, simple buttons to shift between all three main functions (vibration, thrusting, and heat) as well as the various patterns of each function. I admit I was not sure at first regarding the robot-like design of the "toy", but this device has one thing going for it that no other male masturbator I have tried out can claim: those "handles" (the "arms" of the robot) create the most comfortable way to hold on to the device while it is in use. Trust me guys, you'll grow to love those handles, with the buttons for all functions perfectly in position for thumb control. Easily shift and alternate between the various thrusting functions (my favorite part) without losing any rhythm. In short, this product surprised me with its great practical ingenuity while maintaining a high level of quality. I've used it almost every day for about a week now, and it still works like a pro! I would also re-iterate a notion I read on a few other posts. This product is designed for men with medium to large members. If you are on the smaller side, there might not be enough friction to give you what you're looking for. Just thought I'd add that to this otherwise glowing review. Enjoy! I know I have!
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on January 7, 2023
The whole set up is a tad bit bulky, but wow is it great! I'm about 6.5 inches, and I go all the way in, without hitting the end. This was my first toy that was "automatic", and I'm so glad that I got this instead of any of the others that have a max insertion of like, 4 inches😒. I have to make the toy stop moving every 2 minutes because of how great a job it does. It does bother me that you can't turn the sleeve inside out to clean it more thoroughly, but it still cleans easily. Also make sure eto keep it charged because it doesn't slow down or weaken until it's totally out of juice.
Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on September 24, 2022
This toy seemed very gimmicky at first glance with its game controller look and feel. After receiving it though I could tell allot of thought was out into it's design and the build of it doesn't feel cheap at all.
The toy itself is made of a sturdy plastic and the motors, are pretty powerful. This thing is packed with plenty of functions with lots of vibration patterns, motor speeds and temperature settings. The handles also can be adjusted forward or backwards for whatever angle feels more comfortable to hold it in.
It also came with a really nice phone holder that screws into the top. It holds most phones firmly in place and let's you bend it for any viewing angle. A power type C cord for fast recharging is also really nice, just be aware it doesn't come with its own brick or anything to plug into an outlet.
Clean up was pretty simple too as the sleeve itself separates from the device and is easily cleaned with soap and water. Then you can just dry it really well with a towel and put it right back in.
For its price, it's actually a really nice toy with lots of bells and whistles.